


How to enable console: Make shortcut to daorigins.exe, found in bin_ship, on your desktop.

At the end of the target line add -enabledeveloperconsole. 

Dont forget the space.

The target line end should look like this: daorigins.exe" –enabledeveloperconsole


在X:\Dragon Age\bin_ship下找到daorigins.exe,在桌面上建立快捷方式。

右击快捷方式,在目标栏末尾加上空格–enabledeveloperconsole,就像"X:\Dragon Age\bin_ship\daorigins.exe" –enabledeveloperconsole。

To open the console, start the game from the shortcut and press the Tilde button ~` Note: The console is invisible.


runscript addxp X - X=amount 加经验,x为数字

runscript zz_money X - X=amount i.e. runscript zz_money 1000000 would give you 100 gold 加钱,1000000=100金币,有最大限制,别改太大,造成数据溢出,搞出负数。

runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name 让任意npc加入队伍,要打上对方的名字

runscript zz_addapproval X Y - Add approval X=NPC# Y=Amount i.e runscript zz_addapproval 1 100 - adds 100 approval to Alistair 加好感度,先打npc的代号数字,再打具体需要的好感度,比如100,好处是可以XXOO以及学npc的进阶职业





1 - Alistair

2 - war dog 狗狗

3 – Morrigan 大美女!

4 - Wynne 

5 - Shale 隐藏人物,dlc

6 - Sten

7 - Zevran

8 - Oghren

9 - Leliana

runscript ai off - Turns off AI 禁用AI。可以让npc变白痴。

runscript selectparty - Party selection screen

runscript chargen - Origin screen

runscript pc_immortal - Player can't be killed. To make party members immortal you must make them the active character and use the command.是指令某人物无敌,但必须把该人物设为当前主动控制状态。

runscript killallhostiles - Kills attackers 杀死所有敌人

runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party 把某个队员踢出队伍

runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleports player and party to Ostagar, may have other use 把玩家和队伍传送到Ostagar,可能还有其他用处

runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleports player and party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar, may have other use把玩家和队伍传送到Ostagar的Duncan's fire处,可能还有其他用处

runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to nearest NPC, don't think it applies to party members 和离玩家最近的npc对话,对团队内人员无效

runscript warrior - Makes player a warrior? 把玩家职业变为战士,慎用。强制删除人物装备,经验和技能清零。

runscript SetPlayerImmortal - Same as pc_immortal 和pc_immortal命令相同,见上文

runscript healplayer - Instantly heals all party members 立即治愈队内所有人

runscript zz_givearmor - Adds Dragonbone Legion Armor to inventory 打了此命令后装备会立即穿在身上。如果人物的强壮低于42,则无法穿在身上,会把四件套装甲丢在背包中,且会堆叠在一格中。

runscript zz_party_addgifts - Adds the following gifts to inventory: 给npc送礼物,加好感,影响最终结局和XXOO,慎用。Npc的兴趣有好恶之分,给错的后果严重。用SL大法吧。。。

-Antivan Leather Boots

-Dalish Gloves


-Alistair's Mother's Amulet

-Duncan's Shield

-Andraste's Grace

-Cute Nug

-Golden Mirror

-Flemeth's Grimoire

-Sten's Sword"- doc_haz

runscript addtalent X - i.e. runscript addtalent 4020 would add Rogue to the active player/party member 加进阶职业和对应技能,X为对应职业的代码,经测试,可以同时把三个基础职业和12个进阶职业同时加载在主角身上,但某些职业不出现技能,但职业的属性奖励会叠加。战士和盗贼的技能可以融合,但法师的不行。进阶职业同理。

runscript removetalent X - Removes talent 移除进阶职业

Arcane Warrior: 4012 秘法斗士

Champion: 4013 捍卫者

Assassin: 4014 刺客

Bard: 4015 诗人

Berserker: 4016 野蛮人/狂暴者

Blood Mage: 4017 血法师

Shapeshifter: 4018 变形者

Reaver: 4019 掠夺者

Rogue: 4020 盗贼

Templar: 4021 圣殿骑士

Warrior: 4022 战士

Mage: 4023 法师

Spirit Healer: 4025 精神医者/心灵行者

Ranger: 4029 游侠

Duelist: 4030 角斗士

Shale: 4033 隐藏人物专用技能,慎用!是DLC:The Stone Prisoner的技能

War Dog: 4034 慎用!战狗技能!

runscript zz_jump_around - useful script for those that dont like walking too much 可以增加主角移动的速度

runscript bowlingforferelden- Ownage ball? 保龄球?原作者不懂,翻译也不懂

runscript cheat- Temp god? 神?原因同上,经测试,会加一个buff,且是全队buff,有时间限制,类似无敌金身,全身放金光。

Find console commands 如何找到控制台代码『原帖有截图,自己去看吧,老外用的是steam版』

1. go to your ACTUAL GAME FOLDER Link

2. Open anythnig with script in the name any hex editor you wish (i hate mine)Link

3. find a "script" and remember it ( i cant copy in this ****ty editor)Link


4 Add "Runscript zz_" and there you have a command now its up to you to find the correct syntax!

在X:\Dragon Age\packages\core\data下,找consolescripts.erf,用hex软件打开。查找"script",并记住具体位置。在此位置加入"Runscript zz_",以便你自己创造一条命令,使你找到正确的语法。『好吧,我承认自己水平差,没翻译明白』其他代码

override_skills- Override skills? 技能洗点?


ability_core 能力核心


allabilities- LOL I HOPE IT WORKS 全能力,我期望它能起作用





createitem 创造物品





enemy_stop_combat 敌人停止战斗

fillstamina 可能是恢复耐力值

createitem- go to designeritems.erf to find item names ( i think) 创造物品,在designeritems.erf中找名字或相应代码

Please post here and new commands you find to make little threads about commands. I will add it to my posts if you PM me

(Pming is better then posting so people dont have to scavenge for commands :P)

如果你测试了新的代码,可以pm我,我会在此帖中更新的。runscript warrior // changes your character class to a warrior 

runscript rogue // changes you character class to a rogue

runscript wizard // changes your character class to a mage


Each of these will reset all stats, attributes, talents, spells, levels, even inventory you might have. It does not appear to affect "quest" items, gold/silver/copper 

counts, or your other party members equipped items. No guarantees, though.



It essentially zeros your character, sets your class, and gives you 2000 XP to get started. Some of these give you a lot of random equipment, others do not.


Commands that have a range: 控制代码的数值范围

Addxp dont spam 9999999999 just type like 5k or 50k depending on your desired level the code will not work otherwise. 



Commands that are weird:诡异的指令

zz_givearmor: the armor will instantly go on your char and when you take it off they will all stack at the bottom. (ONE STACK)


zz_party_addgifts: The items will stack and they take up some room (not too bad) they really screw up your game if you did not beat it yet. they are parts of the 




runscript zz_reveal_map - does exactly that. 清除地图迷雾,地图全开,测试有效runscript zz_add_skills3 - adds 3 SKILL points, not spell or attribute! 加三点skill

runscript zz_createrunes - adds 15 runes, 5 for each fire ice and lightning. the one on the front page "createrunes" doesn't work without the zz_ in front 加15块符石,火冰雷各5块,每种分+1伤害~+5伤害的各一个,共15个,数量可以超过背包大小上限。

runscript zz_economizer - apparently unequips all gear you're wearing... strange

runscript cheater - don't use this, it adds almost all achievements as completed. 加上几乎所有完成的成就

runscript zz_upgrade - opens the rune placement thing, use in conjunction with zz_createrunes for best results. 和zz_createrunes联合使用效果好,可以在任意地点任意时间把所有『包内和人物手中』的武器进行镶嵌或拔下符石的操作。

runscript zz_supercrit player - gives you 1000 mana and health, and 50 Strength and Dexterity each 给你1000血和魔加50点强壮和敏捷

runscript dbg_setattrib [attrib] [value] - gives you a 180 sec. buff whenre [attrib] is a number from 1 to 6 (1 being str, 2 dex, etc. in order) and [value] is the ammount by wich you want the buff to raise it 给你180秒的buff,加属性的,有6个选择,依次是强壮敏捷。。。以此类推。后面的value是填增加值,即1 20 代表强壮提升20,维持180秒


